Hi, I'm 14, and I know it's kinda late to have my first dance.. but I only went to my first dance yesterday. I met a really good friend and she kinda took my hand and said do you want to dance with me and she put my hand around her weist. She went really low and stuffs. and blabla.. I don't think I did very well.. so.. How do you become a ';good'; grinder. Also, one more question, how do you grind in front of the girl.. That I seriously have no clue..How do I grind a girl?
There are two ways of going ';down';
1. She goes down really fast and goes back up really fast
2. She goes down really slow and goes back up
In situation one, you just continue dancing normally, there is no indication to be given. and since its really fast your not suppose to go down with her
In situation two, you go down with her by bending your knees, the indication is she starts going down slowly (duh)
When i grind on a girl from behind i usually grab her waist by one hand and put my other hand on her stomach. Bend your knees and body roll.
when your grinding INFRONT of the girl its kinda different.
i like to put my of my legs in between hers and grab her waist by one hand and body roll but it gets kinda tricky cause you'll trip all over each others feet if your not careful, so find that position your comfortable with and go with it.How do I grind a girl?
u gotta feel da music go 2 youtube.com and look at this video: tina turner-in your wildest dreams live in amsterdam. look at da part of her and the man dancing together
You don't. Ew.
Don't concentrate, feel the music, be the music. And twirk your butt off!!!! haha
Wow, I find it hard to answer this questions without sounding like an old person. I'm not old, I'm 20, but when I was 14 no one danced like that. (See? Eh.)
Anyway, my advice is this: as a college student I go to dances quite a lot, and there is a lot of close dancing, but sometimes when a guy and girl get really into it...it's DISGUSTING. No one wants to see that, and kids your age shouldn't be doing that (which I know you don't like to hear).
So, before you worry too much about the friction between you and the girl you're dancing with, I'd worry about footwork, hip movement, arms, head movement, all the things you need in actual dancing. That way you can dance with a group of friends too (which is also much more fun, honestly.)
lol funny questionn.
when it was my first time i didnt have to ask bc i had already knew how to dance..
but u dont have to dance rele good to grind.
all ur doing is moving your body the same way she is moving hers. but dont take it to far bc it can become rele nasty..
It's okay, dude. I didn't go to my first dance until I was almost fifteen...so don't worry about it. Here's how to grind. While your behind her, you take her hips or her waist in your hands. Then, move back and forth from left to right, in time with the music. You should bounce on your heels a little and bend your knees slightly so that you won't get stiff. That's all you have to do. Now when you're doing it in front of her, arrange your feet comfortably so that you can dance without tripping over each other or lose your balance. (One person's feet can be on the inside of the other person's feet, or one of your feet can be between her feet and then your other foot on the outside of one of her feet.) Then you do the same thing, keeping your hands on her waist/hips for balance. If she doesn't move, she doesn't move. But when she starts to go low, just lean with her and go down slowly. It's hard to explain, but I hope this helped! :)
grinding is so overrated honestly.
i find just dancing normally as a whole is a lot more fun. i don't grind with someone unless i'm actually with them, or they're a girl friend. from what you're saying - you're not even feeling the music. i'd worry about that before i figure out my more 'complex' moves.
and as someones already said. you're 14. c'mon.
you can grind on me as a test round
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