As a man, I just don't know what to do. She has always been a super girly girl since the time she was born. She always wanted to play barbie and dress up and not any sports. It is actually her hope to be the most feminine girl ever. She has always had no interest in any activity that is not girly. I have always found it cute since my boys are very athletic and tough. However last year when I went in for parent teacher conferences, her PE teacher couldn't believe how bad she was at every activity. She told me that my daughter is the weakest girl that has ever been in her class. When I talked to my daughter about it, she was happy. Her view is that muscles are masculine and she is happy to be so weak. Then just about a week ago, a bully girl who hates girly girls decided to mess with her. She was just going to the ladies room and the mean girl was there. She immediately started making fun of my daughter beacuse she always wears dresses and skirts. My girl tried to walk away but the girl got in her way and pushed her to the ground. My girl had never been in a fight but tried unsuccessfully to defend herself. When she finished beating the **** out of her, she decided to tie her up with the sash on her dress and then stuff her in the trash can. I was hoping my daughter would now want to learn some self-defense and try to lift weights to get a little stronger. She still doesn't want to because it is still not feminine. I do believe in allowing your kids to be themselves, but here I am afraid being herself can get her hurt in the wrong situation.How should I handle this situation with my daughter?
You should be so proud of your little girl. Not only are feminine girls/woman rare these days (because we are all so keen on becoming men why I don't know why) but she also has a strong sense of person and wont give into peer pressure regardless of the physical what character - who does she get that from?
I would treat her like the lady she is and allow her to experience life. I would also send my boys to repay the bully but I'm just an evil feminine woman.
Why do we women to become men. Our instincts and nature are nuturing and kind. Why do we need to become hunters? The feminists movement did little for only added an extra 12 hour task for me (work) but I still have my household duties aswell. I think we had it right in the 60' for mums was much easier with other mums at home and we raised children as a community.How should I handle this situation with my daughter?
Good for her for being so self confident! Keep allowing her to be herself. She shouldn't have to change just because some bully tries to make her. She's her own person and should never have to conform to someone else's ideals.
I hope you and your daughter talked to the school and got that girl suspended. If not, do so right away! That is the most urgent thing here.
There is nothing wrong with being girlie, of course, but it is important for everyone to exercise and stay strong. Maybe your daughter needs a role model? If you have any young female family members or friends who are athletes but also like to dress up and do their hair and makeup, that girl could show her that being girlie doesn't mean you can't do any sports and take care of your body. Or you could suggest she try a traditionally ';girlie'; sport like ballet, gymnastics, ice skating, cheerleading, or swing dance lessons. Even though they are feminine, these sports require you to be strong. I think all girls benefit from sports. I don't think it is necessary for your daughter to learn how to punch someone, or anything that extreme.
Let your daughter know you are proud of you know the situation she is in is tough, but you will do whatever you can to keep her safe at school because being beaten in the bathroom is completely unacceptable behavior in any school. If the school doesn't recognize this, yank her out of there and get her into another school as fast as possible.
She wants to be girly girl and defend herself or you wnat her to be abelt o at least right? She may hate this but it will be good for her and you can get privavte lessons. Put her in kenpo katate class. As a kid i wasn't a girly girl but i got picked on a lot so I know how if feels to be picked on although I never got tied up. Now as an adult i want tobe ale to protect myself. She can get private lesson where she isn't going to have to hit any one excpet maybe her teacher like when showing techiqes and it can be very graceful. Explain that it can be femine taichi looks very graceful and femine and it is fun too. Then if any other girk tris to beat her up or the same girl she will at leats be able to do something. the white belt is all about getting away form the attacker nto hurting some one. She'll go to one class and want to go back/. My sis who hate smartail arts trie done c;*** and she is a girly gir she went backtillshe had soem issues and plans on going back once sh eworks though teh issues and she can make lots of friend there Just a suggestion forgive teh poor spelling tried
Allow her to be who she is. She can get bullied because she's a girly girl, or because she's short/tall or maybe she has short/long hair. A bully will find any reason they want to to pick on someone.
WOW. I think its gotten worse with teen violence than when I was in school! This girl totally needs to be reported to someone or she is just going to keep doing it. Your daughter has a right to feel safe and secure while at school. She shouldnt have to worry every second she is at school because of some snot nosed bully who is insecure and hateful.
You should try to enroll her in a ';girl'; sport...ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, cheerleading, poms, etc.
These are all very girl-ish sports that will get her in shape and build muscle tone
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