Sunday, November 21, 2010

My daughter in need?help how deal with her?

My daughter is great girl but she hateful girl. She gets A's and B's and works very hard in school.But She's 16. Also she has no social skills and she stays in her bedroom 16 hours a day. But she has a dark side, she hits her brother and kicks him.She watch very violent

tv shows and also reads very violent books.

She alienates herself at school. She's very anti-social person and has no friends(nor does she cares to have any). When I spank her she doesn't cry. How do I ground a girl who stays in her room all day? She has no care for family actives? She said that, She hate all human beings. How do I handled her?My daughter in need?help how deal with her?
Sounds like she needs to get some help. Its one thing to be a little anti-social, I know plenty of people who would rather stay home and be in their room than be out with other people.

But combined with the other behavior, it could mean very bad things. She could be depressed, and possibly suicidal. Also the violent behavior is not good either. Try talking to her, or talk to a counselor at school about her.

Good luck!My daughter in need?help how deal with her?
Mayb she needs a shrink.....
i very much think she needs psychological help..seriously..its not normal AT ALL!!
ground her by making her look 4 friends or make her take ur son somewhere u can make he go out
Take her to a therapist.

She is suffering from major depression, and if you don't do anything, she will probably end up commiting suicide. (i am sorry to say this, but you need to know)

So you should call a psychaitrist or a therapist.

You spank a 16 year old girl? No wonder she's acting out!!!! That is SO wrong! I'd act out too if my parent was that ignorant and abusive! My gosh!
try to talk to her about it? im sure its just a phase, maybe she just needs some more love and attention? Kids can be really rude so maybe she is being made fun of and that is causing her to shut herself away?
She sounds a bit like me...just let her know that you care about her. Her social life is her own choice...she will likely come out of it eventually, or realize how she's actually hurting herself. A shrink is an option, but sometimes that pushes kids the other way.
I'd hate your faking guts too if you spanked me..especially if I was 16. You think siblings arnt susposed to fight? two sisters have been fighting sense they were born and their 9 and 13 now.
maybe she needs a shrink, no joke, really take her to a theripistt...they might seem to help..................GOOD LUCK!
I think she doesn't really like who she is. She sounds isolated and depressed. You spank a 16 yr old????? WOW! Sounds like she lacked parenting as a youngster, was allowed too much freedom and no one bonded with her as she was young. I think you should be her freind as well as her mother. Is she suicidal? When did you start noticing this behavior? When a teenager begins to want to be alone more, is when you needed to bond closer to her. I think you have waited too long to do that, so I guess her best bet now would be a school counselor, go in and ask her for advice on how to get her to open up more, explain her behavior and see what she suggests, sometimes there are issues you don't know about that a counselor has more insight on, as far as behavior in a classroom, she can meet with each of her teachers privately and ask for their thoughts on her behavior in their classrooms. Try that first and if they suggest counseling or a medicine to help her with depression~~ just to get her to the point where she realizes things were a bit out of whack, it could benefit her greatly to see this change.
what are u doing spanking a 16 year old?!
well, if you really want to punish her, and don't forget, you're the parent, and you are in charge, take her out somewhere. FORCE her to be social. But don't over do it, do it in slow doses, small outings to public places, not too long, but as time goes on, make the trips a bit longer.

try to find something that may interest her, if she is into books, try to get her to do some sort of writing workshop. You most definitely need to find some sort of activity that she better express her anger. It is completely unfair to the sibling that he has to take all her anger and frustration. This is her issue, not his. and she certainly needs to understand that.

Also, i don't know if you have already tried, but, try to understand where she is coming from. maybe there is something going on at school that you don't know about. teachers are always available to call, you can ask if kids seem to be bothering her there, or even if teachers are giving her a hard time.

16 is tough, girls tend to be most self conscious at this age, try boosting her morale, tell her she looks good, whether you believe what you are saying or not. make her believe it, it could help.

And then there is always a chance it could be a medical problem, depression is very common among teenage girls, and you should see a doctor if you think that it could be depression. It could be dangerous if you leave the depression unattended to.

Whatever the case, make sure you try to be supporting, but don't over do it. 16 is hard, i know because that is my age, and it's a very influential time also. so try to make an influence on her, before it's too late. oh, and spanking at 16? i think she's a bit too old for that. but you're the parent
does she wear black and check her Wrists if there is cuts she is emo
Bless you for being a caring Mom. This behavior at 16 is more common than you think. There are several things you could try.

You could talk to her school councilor, they have experience in this age group and might offer you some good advice, they may work with her, or they may recommend counseling.

You could seek counciling on your own.

She's only 16 so you still have control over her. I would urge you to forbid her to watch anything that's violent and not allow any violent materials in the house.

I wonder, does she have a favorite teacher? Or maybe an adult in her life whom she admires that could be the answer you're looking for? Maybe she would open up to that person and that person could mentor and guide her. Don't give up on her. She will change in time if she gets the kind of help she needs.
The fact that you still spank your sixteen year old daughter disturbs me. While this is often acceptable in younger children, your daughter is well past that age. there are other ways to punish a sixteen year old. take away her TV privileges. take away her books, etc. The reason she isn't crying when you spank her is because spanking really doesn't hurt enough to make you cry, esp. if you are over the age of ten. It really is probably just ticking her off.

The fact that she hits and kicks her brother is unacceptable. Grounding is not going to stop this. She needs to understand why this is wrong, and you need to sit her down and explain to her that no matter how she feels inside, it is not okay to take those feelings out on others. I think the way she shows this physical violence to her brother is because you show this violence to her, and i believe it is her way of getting back at you for humiliating her.

Now, the hating all people and locking her self in her room are all pretty standard sixteen year old behavior. I remember being sixteen, you couldn't DRAG me to a family affair. Also, violent TV and books are all pretty standard among teens as well. I wouldn't worry about it.

all in all, nothing here really alarms me. I would take away tv privelages, like i said above, until her behavior improves to where you can bare her presence in the house. However, as you start instilling these new values and rules, you need to let her know that no matter what, you love her.
I believe she is very depressed. There are a number of studies out there about this. She can be suicidal where as she may take out other people with her if she snaps.She is very angry and has no one to talk to. Yes you are there but you are to close to her. She needs to talk to a therapist As Soon As Possible. It is very serious.
Have you ever considered the possibility that she may have asberger's syndrome, because I have it along with epilepsy and crohn's disease(lucky me), and what you are describing sounds a bit like me. I do not have much of a social life and it actually doesn't bother me, and I don't care for family outings either. As for the fighting with her brother, that's normal and on the easy side of fighting believe me. She may not be depressed, but instead just misunderstood.
16 and you spank her??!!!

Next time use a paddle until she does cry.
She is too old to be spanked, take all electronics out of her room, and get some help for her, good luck
it sounds like she is need of councelling. Also at 16 I think she is too old for spanking

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